Whale Migration Route and Where to Spot Whales in WA

whale migration route WA

The annual migration of humpback whales along the coast of Western Australia is a natural spectacle, attracting thousands of visitors to the region's shores. Between May and December, these majestic creatures embark on one of the longest mammalian migrations on earth, a journey of up to 13,000 kilometers from the Southern Ocean to the tropical waters of the Kimberley and back.

The migration begins as the Antarctic winter sets in and the humpback whales move to warmer waters for breeding and giving birth. The warm, sheltered waters along the WA coast provide the perfect nursery for newborn calves before they make the long journey south again.

Where to Spot Whales


In Augusta, the season kicks off in June, where whales can be seen breaching and playing in Flinders Bay. The picturesque town becomes a starting point for many whale-watching cruises, offering close encounters with these gentle giants.

Dunsborough and Busselton

Moving up the coast, Dunsborough and Busselton become humpback hotspots from September to early December. The famous Busselton Jetty is an excellent vantage point for land-based whale watching.


As the humpback whales make their epic journey along the Western Australian coastline, Perth emerges as one of the premier spots for whale watching. From the pristine waters of the Indian Ocean, these marine giants grace the seas, offering locals and visitors in Perth an unforgettable display of aquatic acrobatics.

The whale watching season in Perth typically runs from September to November, when the humpback whales travel south with their new calves, frolicking in the warmer waters. During this time, the Perth coast becomes a bustling hub for these gentle giants, turning it into a haven for marine enthusiasts and families seeking to witness the majesty of the largest creatures on the planet.


Further north, the coastal town of Exmouth marks the gateway to Ningaloo Reef, one of the world's most biodiverse marine areas. Here, the humpback whales are often spotted from August to November, with the added bonus of possibly seeing whale sharks and manta rays.


Broome's Cable Beach is another iconic destination for whale watchers. From July to September, you can witness the whales breaching just beyond the breakers, often visible from the shore during their peak migration period.

Conservation Efforts

The increase in whale numbers each season is a testament to successful conservation efforts. Hunting once brought humpback whales to the brink of extinction, but since the 1963 moratorium on whaling in Australia, their numbers have rebounded. Today, WA's whale-watching industry operates under strict guidelines to ensure these marine mammals are not disturbed during their migration.

Join the Journey

Embarking on a whale-watching tour in WA offers more than just a sighting; it's an educational experience. Guides provide insights into the lives of humpback whales, their migration patterns and the importance of conservation. Whether you're on a boat or watching from the shore, the sight of a humpback whale breaching the ocean's surface is an unforgettable experience that draws you closer to the wonders of the marine world.

The humpback migration is not just a tourist attraction; it's a reminder of our responsibility to the ocean and its inhabitants. Western Australia's success in whale conservation is a call to action for the protection of marine environments globally.

For those looking to experience this marine marvel, remember that while the humpback whales are the stars of the show, they are also vulnerable creatures deserving of our respect and protection. By choosing responsible tour operators like Whale Watching Perth and adhering to conservation guidelines, we can ensure that these magnificent animals continue to grace the WA coastline for generations to come.

Whether you're an avid marine life photographer, a family looking for an educational holiday or simply someone who appreciates the grandeur of nature, whale watching along the Western Australian coastline is an experience not to be missed. So pack your binoculars and join the humpback highway for an adventure of a lifetime.

Jared Gunthorpe