Rare Pygmy Blue Whale sighting!

Our Whale Watching Cruise departed Monday with calm conditions and a sunny day, our passengers were greeted at the beginning of the tour with a pod of two whales hugging the Sunset Coast. These were two male whales that were pec slapping and rolling on their bellies. As the Whale Watching Cruise continued further out in the Indian Ocean our passengers witnessed a pod of three whales with a calf. These whales were pec and tail slapping with one whale breaching in front of our passengers multiple times. As we continued through our passengers witnessed two rare Pygmy Blue Whales, these whales usually migrate earlier than the Humpback Whale and are usually migrating on the further west behind Rottnest Island. Our passengers having a very unique and rare experience!


AQWA insights:

Weather conditions Hillarys: Semi calm, sunny - 17°

Number of interactions: 7

Whales: 5 Humpback Whales and 2 Pygmy Blue Whales

Whale behaviours: Sighted surface swims with a blow, and tail dives, pec slaps and 5 breaches from 1 whale.

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